Setting up for a Yin Yoga workshop Photo by Ella Kashti
Legs up the wall
One of my favourite yoga poses Photo by Ella Kashti
Yoga lunch club with The Complete Retreat
After an extended yoga session, we sit down to a nutritious lunch. I love these events and can't wait to get them up and running again Photo by Ella Kashti
Yin Love yoga lunch
Delicious and so healthy Photo by Ella Kashti
Great Manchester 10k 2019
I love to run (my face says it all!) I ran 10k for Mummy's Star, a charity that support pregnant women with cancer, a charity close to my heart
Headstand assistance
Upside down fun! Photo by Ella Kashti
Dancing around Manchester
I love this city :) Photo by Ella Kashti
Arm balancing
Not the goal of yoga, but they do make me feel so strong and limitless Photo by Ella Kashti
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